Gardening without Garden

It is fall, the day starts getting shorter, there are some chillier mornings and I saw the first dew on the windshields of cars. Fall is arrived, well at least in my neck of the woods. Harvesting some ears of corn in the garden today, makes me think of the great significance of this very enjoyable activity.

Growing healthy food has many benefits and is an important task for our times. It has been said that the problems of the world can be solved through gardening. There are many facets to this aspect of thriving on green.

First question that comes to my mind is, “so what if I don’t have a garden”? Maybe you feelĀ  deprived of that particular joy, or you may be just fine without all the picking, pulling, cutting and cleaning. If you do like to garden, but have no place, there are a few options you can explore to raise locally grown, healthy, tasty food:

  • – Find a garden that is not used, a friend’s, a neighbor’s
  • – See if you can get permission to garden an empty lot
  • – Join or start a community garden
  • – Create a mini garden on your deck, terrace, porch or balcony
  • – Grow in containers lining footpaths
  • – Grow on roofs in boxes
  • – Use sub-irrigated-planters where there is some light
  • – Grow on your window sill
  • – Grow vertically in drip irrigated hanging containers
  • – Sprout seeds
  • – Glean, specially all the fruits nobody seems to care about
  • – Do wild-crafting, with measure
  • – Join a Community Supported Agriculture farm
  • – Help others with their garden
  • – Volunteer on an organic family farm

These are some options we will over time certainly look at. There is a strong movement today to bring growing food back into towns and cities. Urban gardening clubs and farms, backyard and front yard gardens and kitchen gardens are springing up in many places.

Alright, need to make dinner and have some corn and salad.

Please share your ideas and how you found a way to garden and grow food, but did not have a place to do that.